Noodles are the perfect health-conscious fast food to enjoy a balanced, healthy and nutritious diet. They are a source of carbohydrates that the body easily burns up to provide energy. For centuries, the Japanese have enjoyed excellent health, basing their diet on noodles.
At UDON we believe that by adopting some of the Eastern eating habits, we will provide great benefits to our health. Noodles are an essential feature of this diet and are part of our staple diet.
Noodles originally come from China, where they first appeared around 5000 BC. Their use then spread to other Asian countries. Their popularity has now crossed borders, with noodles today being more and more appreciated all over the world.
In the sixth century and coupled with many cultural changes, China shared the art of making noodles with Japan. From that moment on, noodles became an everyday food in that country. For centuries, the Japanese have enjoyed excellent health, avoiding many of the diseases associated with the Western diet.